1. Tote Handbag
Tote Handbags are very popular because they are casual yet very practical to use. These bags usually fall in the middle of the body, around the elbow. They are usually big that's why they provide a lot of space for women's essential things that are too large for a purse. They usually only have one or two compartments and are available with a number of images on them or a simple solid color.
2. Clutch Handbag
3. Satchel Handbag
A handbag that has one, sometimes two, large straps that goes over one shoulder and across the body. This type of handbag is best appropriate in most women who are working in an office. They have to use this handbag because they need to carry their important files whenever they have a meeting or if they need to bring their paper works in their home. It is also often used by most students to help them carry their books and other school stuffs. Using satchel does not only help women to hold their bulky files and things in a more convenient way but also enhance their fashion outlook.
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